We are proud to present XSACT 2.0!, our all in-one solution for X-ray scattering data analysis. XSACT is designed to do everything you need to go from raw 2D data to a formatted plot for your report or publication, including obtaining real space structural parameters about your sample.
XSACT can open and interpret raw X-ray scattering data to display and transform it in 1D and 2D. Header data is automatically read to show your data averaged and on the correct scale. This, together with the strong visualization module, enables the user to get a quick overview of the most important features.
A strong suite of fitting functions with practice data and exhaustive documentation ensures that quantitative results are within reach for expert users as well as beginners and one time users.

The option to drag-and-drop the data and fitting results makes it easy to create custom graphs which can be exported as vector files ready for publication.
While Xenocs X-ray scattering instruments perform automatic 2D data reduction into a 1D scattering curve for most type of isotropic samples, XSACT implements all the 2D to 1D scattering data transformation functions to be used as an integrated single package independently of the type of instrument or sample analysis. In addition to the basic 1D data scattering operations such as averaging, binning, subtracting and merging of curves, XSACT performs all the 2D data operations needed for representation of grazing incidence measurements and selective averaging of anisotropic data.
From the early stages of development on, our team of software developers and scientists have involved customers as well as our own application team to make sure to include all the most used functions and the best possible workflow. Are you interested in measuring nanoparticles size distributions or concentrations, lamellar spacing of polymers, the phase of a liquid crystal, form factors, degree of alignment or in-situ studies? Then XSACT might be just what you need. And if you are working on something completely different, there is an option to write your own functions too.
Contact our sales team to get a free demo or request a quote.