“With the Xeuss flexibility in the experimental setup, it is possible to imagine or design in situ experiments or sample environments. This is a remarkable aspect in addition to the quality of excellence in Xenocs products”
Dr. Cristián Huck Iriart
Laboratory of Applied Crystallography, National University of San Martín, Argentina
May 17, 2019
A Xeuss 2.0 SAXS/WAXS instrument from Xenocs was installed in April 2019 at the Laboratory of Applied Crystallography at the National University of San Martín, Argentina.
The instrument will be used for several areas of applications, such as research on nanoparticles, edible films for food packaging, polymers, mesoporous materials, thin films, proteins in solution or micelles.
Dr Cristián Huck Iriart who is in charge of the instrument at the National University of San Martin explains the reasons for their choice:

Dr C. H. Iriart and Dr D.G. Lamas in front of the Xeuss SAXS/WAXS instrument at the National University of San Martín, Argentina.
“We chose the Xeuss 2.0 SAXS/WAXS equipment from Xenocs because it has a very flexible configuration. An experiment is more than just make a measure of a sample. It is the possibility to adapt resourcefully your capabilities – or to create ones – in order to answer a question. We have experience in synchrotrons and big facilities and are used to designing our own sample environments for experiments. With the Xeuss flexibility in the experimental setup, it is possible to imagine or design in situ experiments or sample environments. This is a remarkable aspect in addition to the quality of excellence in Xenocs products.”
About the National University of San Martín
The National University of San Martin is a young university located nearby Buenos Aires City, Argentina. The Laboratory of Applied Crystallography (LAC) was created a few years ago with the arrival of Dr. Diego Lamas in the university and his appointment as head of the laboratory. Besides the specific areas of interest within the lab, the LAC main goal is to offer researchers of different fields proper tools for exploring the chemistry, biology and physics of condensed matter at a wide range of scales through X-ray and neutron techniques.
Contact: Cristián Huck Iriart [[email protected]]; Diego G. Lamas [[email protected]]