Renewable energy
Boost performance of your organic photovoltaic cell,
Characterization at the nanoscale can help you find answers.
With X-ray scattering in your lab, you can for example:
- Characterize molecular arrangement and orientation of crystalline regions of polymer thin films in OPV (together with nanomorphology)
- Quantify pore size, shape, spatial distribution, network structure and surface characteristics of MOFs
- Measure the size and stability of catalyst particles for fuel cells in situ
- Determine the phase of self-assembled block-copolymer films for mesoporous templating and final porous structure
- Find the characteristic separation distance in ionomers (PEMs)
Characterizing ordered mesoporous to macroporous oxides with tunable isomorphic architectures
Small-angle X-ray scattering is an ideal technique to determine phase and temperature dependence of block copolymer templates for porous material.
Run in situ measurements
without destroying your sample
Particle size and distribution, pore size and distribution, (thin film) surface structure and patterns, humidity and temperature dependence…
What do you want to measure ?
Some of our customers
using X-ray scattering for their research in renewable energy
“We are currently investigating nanoscale heterogeneity in several electrolyte mixtures. We will soon develop the capability to perform simultaneous electrochemical and SAXS measurements to understand how the fluid-solid interface changes during power cycling in energy storage materials.”
Dr. José Leobardo Bañuelos
Department of Physics, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA

Customer publications
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Discover our products relevant to research in renewable energy.
Xeuss Pro
The Ultimate Solution for Nanoscale Characterization using SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/Imaging