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Food science

When you want to understand how dairy changes upon aging, drying and digestion, create the perfect crust for bread or modify the thickness and mouth feeling of fatty products…

Characterization at the nanoscale can help you find answers.

With X-ray scattering in your lab, you can for example:

  • Monitor the size, shape and stability of fat globules in dairy during processing and digestion and characterize the chain length and organization of crystal polymorphs in fat crystals
  • Determine the crystalline fraction and lamellar structure in starchy food during in-situ studies and follow temperature dependent gelation behavior
  • Find the characteristic distance and fractal dimensions in an oleo-gelator network
  • Investigate the structure and size of polysaccharides and proteins in hydrated systems

Using SAXS to characterize dispersions in functional foods

Small-angle X-ray scattering is an ideal technique to study the morphology and stability of liposomes, these self-assembled compartments can be used as carriers for functional food and drugs.

X-ray scattering techniques are ideally suited for turbid samples

Morphology, stability, internal structure…
What are you looking for?

Some of our customers

using X-ray scattering for their research in food science

“SAXS and WAXS (and complimentary neutron techniques) are the cornerstone of almost all our research. For example, in bio-related nanoscience it is crucial to have non-invasive techniques to probe structural details at the nanoscale. In general, scattering methods with associated modeling expertise allows unique information to be extracted from a plethora of systems in soft matter science”

Jacob Kirkensgaard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen

Customer publications

Discover how scientists use Xenocs instruments for their research & publications

Characterization of multi-scale structure and thermal properties of Indica rice starch with different amylose contents
Li, Z; Kong, X.; Zhou, X.; Zhong, K.; Zhou, S.; Liu, X.
RSC Advances, 2016
In situ SAXS study of non-fat milk model systems during heat treatment and acidification
Li, R.; Jæger, T. C.; Rovers, T. A. M.; Svensson, B.; Ipsen, R.; Kirkensgaard, J. J. K.; Hougaard, A. B.
Food Research International, 2022


Discover our products relevant to research in food science.


Smart nanoscale characterization

Xeuss Pro

The Ultimate Solution for Nanoscale Characterization using SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/Imaging

Xeuss Pro The Ultimate Laboratory SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS Beamline


We are here to help.


A wide range of accessories are available for your research in food science.

Food Nanostructure SAXS

XSACT software

X-ray Scattering Analysis
and Calculation Tool.

Food Nanostructure SAXS

Food Nanostructure SAXS

Food Nanostructure SAXS

Food Nanostructure SAXS – Characterize Lipids, Starch

Food Nanostructure SAXS – Lipids, Starch, Fats At Nanoscale. Get Statistical Information From 1nm to 200 nm With Minimum Sample Preparation