SAXS as a tool for characterizing monoclonal antibody-protein antigen interactions
Detailed biophysical description of antibody-protein antigens interactions is important for guiding physical characterization and molecular engineering of therapeutic targets. Proteins can...
Can time-resolved degradation of catalysts be studied with operando laboratory SAXS?
To combat climate change, the use of renewable energies is regarded as one of the top priority actions to be implemented both by industries as well as private individuals. Today the use of so-called clean energy is ...
Self-assembly – How SAXS/WAXS helps investigate nanoribbons formed with aramid amphiphiles for more stability
Hierarchical self-assembly of small molecules is a tried and tested method to obtain nanostructured materials. The intrinsic dynamics and (bio)degradability of these materials ...
In-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering for nanoparticle characterization
- Application highlight - Nanoparticles are characterized by the fact that they have at least one dimension in the nanometer range, i.e. between 1 and 100 nanometers. This means that ...
Join DTI Webinar: why you should use X-rays in formulation of biologics
On December 10, 2020, 15.00-16.00 (CET), the Danish Technological Institute together with BioPeople will host a webinar with renowned Xenocs customers titled “Why you should use X-rays in formulation of biologics”
SAXS/WAXS results help elucidate structure-function relationships in foams
Foams – gas trapped in solids or liquids – are common materials, found all around us. Liquid foams can be found in cosmetic formulations, home care products and food, whereas solid foams find use in mattresses, insulation and lightweight structures in automotive, space and aircraft applications. Solid foams are cellular…
Different production process results in different gel properties in a surfactant based gel for pharmaceutical and cosmetics products
Different production process results in different gel properties in a surfactant based gel for pharmaceutical and cosmetics products.
White paper – SAXS for drug development and formulations
The global COVID-19 pandemic stresses the necessity to accelerate the different stages of drug development, reduce drug candidate attrition rates and establish solid testing protocols to ensure that only safe and stable formulations enter the market
Xenocs Inc opens US-West Branch in California
Xenocs Inc is pleased to announce the opening of our new branch office in Santa Barbara, California.
Functional foods characterization at the nanoscale using SAXS
- Application highlight - Development of nanocarriers for functional food delivery is an active area of research. Both the development and the production process require characterization techniques that provide information about how nutrient loading and processing conditions influence the final structure and stability of nanocarriers and their dispersion in food.…