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Q-Xtend is an advanced collimation module option for the Xeuss Pro dedicated to analysis of structural parameters with large dimensions (typically from 100 nm to 1 μm or more).

Q-Xtend measurements can easily be combined with standard SAXS/WAXS and Bonse-Hart USAXS measurement modes of the Xeuss Pro instrument for multiscale analysis of soft matter samples.

With Q-Xtend you can:

  • Measure larger particles than with standard high resolution SAXS measurements
  • Get more information from your SAXS curve such as information about particles morphology or interactions thanks to more information close to the transmitted beam
  • Measure micron-sized structures within short measuring times for standalone SAXS measurements, for combined Bonse-Hart USAXS and SAXS measurements, or for sample screening.
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Measurement of large particles

Q-Xtend enables you to measure particle sizes up to 1.5 µm depending on the Xeuss 3.0 instrument model.

It makes use of an extremely fine beam resolution coupled to long sample to detector distance to detect structural parameters of larger dimensions compared to standard high resolution SAXS measurements.

Depending on the sample property, Q-Xtend can provide more accurate data modelling on large particles (detection of structure factors, better characterization of sample monodispersity). It can be used as a standalone measurement mode for large micron-sized structures or in combination with state-of-the-art Bonse-Hart USAXS*.

*Combined Bonse-Hart USAXS/Q-Xtend/SAXS/WAXS : Patented measuring configuration (EP 4 095 522)

Get more information from your SAXS scattering data

Q-Xtend expands the range of scattering data collected at low scattering angles providing more information in case of measurement of large particles or for sample aggregation studies.

By collecting more scattering data close to the transmitted beam and depending on the type of sample, information such as sample morphology can be detected to confirm scattering models used for data modelling. Guinier regime can even be achieved for radius of gyration measurement of moderately large particles.

Fig 1. Guinier plot of 1D scattering data of large diameters SiO2 nanoparticles in suspension measured with two collimation modes on a Xeuss 3.0

Learn more on the Xeuss Pro

Xeuss Pro

The Ultimate Solution for Nanoscale Characterization using SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/Imaging

Xeuss Pro The Ultimate Laboratory SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS Beamline