Xenocs moves to its new head office in Grenoble in September 2019.
Launched in April 2018, the construction of Xenocs new head office will be finalized over the summer as planned.
The new facility will allow Xenocs to concentrate all its Grenoble-based activities in one site and enable the company to sustain the growth it has experienced over the last years.
Designed with Xenocs customers and team in mind, the new building compliant with the latest energy saving standards will provide a modern and stimulating work environment, while its state-of-the-art laboratory will be a center of excellence for the training of customers.
Located within walking distance from several large international research facilities such as the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and Institut Laue langevin (ILL), the new site gives Xenocs customers the opportunity of combining a trip to the Synchrotron with discussions with Xenocs experts and trying out the latest solutions for characterization at the nanoscale in the lab.