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Join DTI Webinar: why you should use X-rays in formulation of biologics

By December 7th, 2020No Comments

On the 10th of December 15.00-16.00 (CET), the Danish Technological Institute together with BioPeople will host a webinar with renowned Xenocs customers titled “Why you should use X-rays in formulation of biologics”.

In this webinar, both academic work as well as systematic industrial use will be discussed after a general introduction by the Danish Technological institute.

Two experts from academia and industry will introduce new possibilities for tests, trouble shooting and characterization of drug formulations, including using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS).

The Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology of Copenhagen University and NovoNordisk will share their experience with SAXS characterization for protein fibrillation and manufacturing development of protein based drugs and particles.

At Xenocs we have a long standing relationship with the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology of Copenhagen University. This department hosted the very first BioXolver and has been a key collaborator in the development of Size Exclusion Chromatography coupled to SAXS. Together, we have demonstrated that this technique is feasible in a laboratory setting. The BioXolver L installed at their facility has an in-line pipetting robot taking samples from two temperature controlled 96 well plates for the fast and precise measurement of samples. The state of the art instrument has the ability to probe the structure of soft matter systems with a size up to 150 nm while using only 5 µl of sample. is A number of scientific publications starring the instrument can be found on the facility website (CPHSAXS).

At NovoNordisk, in-house SAXS is a principal technique in the analysis of protein-based drugs and many other biologicals. Their impressive, and growing use of in-house X-ray analytical equipment and collaborations with academia makes them a true front-runner in this field.

Participation of the webinar is free of charge, but registration is mandatory and can be done here:[event]=1574625560.

Read more about the event on the website of BioPeople: