NEW ! : Triple source for the Xeuss 2.0 at the University of Strathclyde
Xenocs is very proud to announce the sale of a Xeuss 2.0 HR SAXS/WAXS equipment to the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. It will be the first SAXS/WAXS laboratory system in the world equipped with a Triple Source Module, which is an innovation 2016 from Xenocs. Up to now,…
In-situ SWAXS measurements in the lab are proving their worth
We at Xenocs see a growing interest from our user community for performing environmental studies with in-situ, simultaneous SAXS and WAXS measurements (SWAXS). Of course, synchrotron experiments are necessary for studying extremely fast dynamics (a second or less). However, a large range of useful experiments seem possible in the laboratory…
Xeuss 2.0 HR equipment – installation & training at Sichuan University
The Xeuss 2.0 HR SAXS/WAXS system was installed in May 2016 at the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. After the installation, theoretical & practical training was delivered on site. While theoretical training is open to a large number of attendees - around eighty students attended…
ISIS neutron source chose the Nano-inXider from Xenocs
The Nano-inXider SAXS/WAXS system from Xenocs was installed at the beginning of the month at the ISIS neutron source situated at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory of the Science and Technology Facilities Council, Oxfordshire, UK. The equipment will be used by hundreds of users coming to ISIS to characterize their samples, which covers…
Switch your energy in just a few minutes with Xenocs Dual Source Module Option
SAXS/WAXS experiments can be optimized for a broad range of samples and applications with the Dual Source module option from Xenocs available in the Xeuss 2.0. The Dual Source Module Option is the capability to switch from one source to another source having a different energy, quickly and smoothly. Being…