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EPF2019 Events


9-14 June, 2019. Xenocs will be attending the European Polymer Congress 2019 which will take place this year in Crete. Come and see us at booth #5!
ISMC2019 Events


3-7 June, 2019. Xenocs will be attending the 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019) which will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Come and see us at our booth!
ICMAT2019 Events


23-28 June, 2019. Xenocs is very pleased to sponsor and attend the 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies which will be held in Singapore.
NSC47 Events


19-22 June, 2019. Xenocs is very pleased to attend  the 47th National Seminar on Crystallography (NSC47) in BARC, Mumbai during June 19-22, 2019. Come & see us at our booth!
COLL2019 Events


16-19 June, 2019. Xenocs will be attending the 9th International Colloids Conference which will be held in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.