The AuX source module is an additional incident X-ray beam channel for the Xeuss Pro where the X-ray beam is focused on the sample. The increased photon density (by more than one order of magnitude) compared with the main SAXS/WAXS source is an asset for applications requiring a small and intense X-ray beam.
AuX source: X-ray beam focusing channel

Improved data quality for small spot X-ray scattering applications
The AuX source module is highly advantageous for applications where a small beam spot on the sample is the requirement or preferred configuration. It can for example be used for mapping the nanostructure or to gain atomic scale information on semi-crystalline polymers or biomaterials with increased data quality or reduced exposure time.
For certain GIWAXS applications, the AuX source can provide a scattering intensity increase of more than a factor of 10 depending on the angle of incidence.

From WAXS to SAXS up to particle sizes of 50 nm
The adjustable optical design of the AuX source, which uses scatterless slits coupled with a motorized Q-Xoom detector, offers access to both SAXS and WAXS measurements. Particle sizes as large as 50 nm can be measured using the AuX source on spot sizes of 150 microns and with measuring times in the range of a minute or less.

Modular design with automatic and rapid source switch
The AuX source is mounted on VersaXtage enabling a rapid and automated switch between measuring configurations. Both incident beamlines maintain a colinear full-in vacuum set-up for throughput.
VersaXtage can be mounted with both InXight and AuX source modules simultaneously so that the user can select between two additional incoming beam set-ups in addition to the standard SAXS/WAXS source. A combination of InXight imaging and scattering measurements performed using the AuX source could be very useful for the characterization of inhomogeneous samples. For characterization of such materials, the fine spatial resolution, achieved with the AuX source, will complement the large field of view image provided by InXight.

Learn more on the Xeuss Pro
Xeuss Pro
The Ultimate Solution for Nanoscale Characterization using SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/USAXS/Imaging