International Operando Battery Days
12-14 June, 2024. Xenocs is pleased to attend the International Operando Battery Days from June 12-14 in Grenoble, France. Meet us at our booth!
Exploring SAXS applications in mRNA-LNPs drug delivery systems
Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology, particularly in mRNA-based drug delivery systems, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential in various therapeutic applications, notably in vaccines and cancer treatments. In mRNA-based drug delivery, LNPs serve as powerful nanocarriers, protecting mRNA payloads and enhancing their delivery to target cells…
What are the advantages and limitations of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS), and how do they complement each other?
Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery
Xenocs is pleased to attend the Applied Biophysics forum in Drug Delivery from May 27-28 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Let's meet!
Lamellae structure and crystallinity analysis of semicrystalline polymers
Polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) is a versatile piezoelectric polymer well-known and studied for its ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties.
Queen Mary University Enhances Materials Analysis with the Nano-inXider SAXS/WAXS Equipment
“The acquisition of the Xenocs Nano-inXider fills a missing gap in quantitative characterisation between the molecular and microscopic scale, and will enhance our ability to address new scientific questions”. Dr. Richard Whiteley
Chinese delegation from the Government of Suzhou visiting Xenocs in Grenoble, France
Xenocs welcomed a Chinese delegation of ten Officials from the government of the Suzhou province last Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The event marked the...
How can SAXS and USAXS analysis be used to characterize the tunable microstructure of hierarchical nanoporous gold?
Dealloyed hierarchical nanoporous metals have emerged as a novel category of functional materials...
New: InXight DF-PCI X-ray imaging module
Reveal nanostructure differences, interfaces and orientation with InXight DF-PCI option for the Xeuss 3.0 SAXS/WAXS instrument