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Improved thermal conductivity of thermoplastic polyurethane via aligned boron nitride platelets assisted by 3D printing

Liu, Junchao; Li, Weiwei; Guo, Yufeng; Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Zhong

ApplicationCharacterizationCompositesCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechnique

Improved thermal conductivity of thermoplastic polyurethane via aligned boron nitride platelets assisted by 3D printing

Liu, Junchao; Li, Weiwei; Guo, Yufeng; Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Zhong

Thermal management is of importance to microelectronics. Owning both excellent thermal conduction and electrical insulation, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) platelets are widely used in polymer matrices. While the thermal properties rely on the orientation of hBN platelets in polymer matrices significantly. Herein, we report that high thermal conductive hBN filled…
18 July 2019
Residual Silver Remarkably Enhances Electrocatalytic Activity and Durability of Dealloyed Gold Nanosponge Particles

Li, Guangfang Grace; Lin, Ye; Wang, Hui

ApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsInorganic materialInorganic materialsMaterialParticlesPhase analysisTechniqueWAXS

Residual Silver Remarkably Enhances Electrocatalytic Activity and Durability of Dealloyed Gold Nanosponge Particles

Li, Guangfang Grace; Lin, Ye; Wang, Hui

Percolation dealloying of multimetallic alloys entangles the selective dissolution of the less-noble elements with nanoscale restructuring of the more-noble components, resulting in the formation of spongelike, nanoporous architectures with a unique set of structural characteristics highly desirable for heterogeneous catalysis. Although the dealloyed nanoporous materials are compositionally…
18 July 2019
Cavitation-enabled rapid and tunable evolution of high-χN micelles as templates for ordered mesoporous oxides

Lokupitiya, Hasala N.; Stefik, Morgan

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsGISAXSGIWAXSMaterialOrientation analysisPolymer researchSizeTechniqueThin films

Cavitation-enabled rapid and tunable evolution of high-χN micelles as templates for ordered mesoporous oxides

Lokupitiya, Hasala N.; Stefik, Morgan

The kinetic-entrapment of block copolymer micelles enables size-persistence, however tuning micelle sizes under such conditions remains challenging. Agitation-induced chain exchange via vortexing is limited by the production of solution–air interfaces. Here, we use ultrasonic cavitation for rapid interface production that accelerates micelle growth by an order of magnitude over…
18 July 2019
Multifaceted Gold–Palladium Bimetallic Nanorods and Their Geometric, Compositional, and Catalytic Tunabilities

Sun, Lichao; Zhang, Qingfeng; Li, Guangfang Grace; Villarreal, Esteban; Fu, Xiaoqi; Wang, Hui

ApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsInorganic materialInorganic materialsMaterialParticlesPhase analysisTechniqueWAXS

Multifaceted Gold–Palladium Bimetallic Nanorods and Their Geometric, Compositional, and Catalytic Tunabilities

Sun, Lichao; Zhang, Qingfeng; Li, Guangfang Grace; Villarreal, Esteban; Fu, Xiaoqi; Wang, Hui

Kinetically controlled, seed-mediated co-reduction provides a robust and versatile synthetic approach to multimetallic nanoparticles with precisely controlled geometries and compositions. Here, we demonstrate that single-crystalline cylindrical Au nanorods selectively transform into a series of structurally distinct Au@Au–Pd alloy core–shell bimetallic nanorods with exotic multifaceted geometries…
18 July 2019
Overcoming the Interfacial Lattice Mismatch: Geometry Control of Gold–Nickel Bimetallic Heteronanostructures

Li, Guangfang Grace; Blom, Douglas A.; Pandey, Shubham; Koch, Robert J.; Misture, Scott T.; Phillpot, Simon R.; Wang, Hui

ApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsInorganic materialInorganic materialsMaterialParticlesPhase analysisTechniqueWAXS

Overcoming the Interfacial Lattice Mismatch: Geometry Control of Gold–Nickel Bimetallic Heteronanostructures

Li, Guangfang Grace; Blom, Douglas A.; Pandey, Shubham; Koch, Robert J.; Misture, Scott T.; Phillpot, Simon R.; Wang, Hui

Seed-mediated heteroepitaxial growth provides a versatile synthetic approach to a diverse set of geometrically distinct bimetallic heteronanostructures. In bimetallic nanocrystal systems, interfacial heteroepitaxial growth typically occurs between structurally similar metals with lattice mismatch below 5%, whereas controlled epitaxial growth of bimetallic nanocrystals comprising metals with…
18 July 2019
The role of fast and slow processes in the formation of structure and properties of thermoplastic polyurethanes

Anokhin, D. V.; Gorbunova, M. A.; Estrin, Ya I.; Komratova, V. V.; Badamshina, E. R.

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPhase analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechnique

The role of fast and slow processes in the formation of structure and properties of thermoplastic polyurethanes

Anokhin, D. V.; Gorbunova, M. A.; Estrin, Ya I.; Komratova, V. V.; Badamshina, E. R.

New multi-blocked thermoplastic polymers containing rigid polyurethane-urea and soft polydiethylene glycol adipate blocks have been synthesized. Basic features of their structure formation have been revealed. Three types of supramolecular organization have been found, which define the behavior of samples under heating and deformation conditions. The shape memory effect has been…
18 July 2019
Acid Induced Self-Assembly Strategy to Synthesize Ordered Mesoporous Carbons from Biomass

Xu, Fan; Chen, Yiqing; Tang, Minghui; Wang, Haiyan; Deng, Jiang; Wang, Yong

ApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialPhase analysisPorous materialRenewable energySAXSTechnique

Acid Induced Self-Assembly Strategy to Synthesize Ordered Mesoporous Carbons from Biomass

Xu, Fan; Chen, Yiqing; Tang, Minghui; Wang, Haiyan; Deng, Jiang; Wang, Yong

Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass is an economic and sustainable technique for the fabrication of functional carbonaceous materials. However, the introduction of biomass into synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon materials achieves slow progress due to complicated requirements. It is still challenging to prepare biomass-derived ordered mesoporous carbon materials. Herein, we report…
18 July 2019
Clustering-Triggered Emission and Persistent Room Temperature Phosphorescence of Sodium Alginate

Dou, Xueyu; Zhou, Qing; Chen, Xiaohong; Tan, Yeqiang; He, Xin; Lu, Ping; Sui, Kunyan; Tang, Ben Zhong; Zhang, Yongming; Yuan, Wang Zhang

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsGIWAXSMaterialOtherPolymer researchTechnique

Clustering-Triggered Emission and Persistent Room Temperature Phosphorescence of Sodium Alginate

Dou, Xueyu; Zhou, Qing; Chen, Xiaohong; Tan, Yeqiang; He, Xin; Lu, Ping; Sui, Kunyan; Tang, Ben Zhong; Zhang, Yongming; Yuan, Wang Zhang

Nonconventional biomacromolecular luminogens have attracted extensive interest due to their fundamental importance and potential applications in diverse areas. To explore novel luminogens and, moreover, to gain deeper insights into their emission mechanism, we study the emission behaviors of sodium alginate (SA), a natural anionic polysaccharide composed of mannuronic (M) and…
18 July 2019