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Extending the hydrogen storage limit in fullerene

Gaboardi, Mattia; Sarzi Amadé, Nicola; Aramini, Matteo; Milanese, Chiara; Magnani, Giacomo; Sanna, Samuele; Riccò, Mauro; Pontiroli, Daniele

ApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsInorganic materialMaterialPhase analysisRenewable energyTechniqueWAXS

Extending the hydrogen storage limit in fullerene

Gaboardi, Mattia; Sarzi Amadé, Nicola; Aramini, Matteo; Milanese, Chiara; Magnani, Giacomo; Sanna, Samuele; Riccò, Mauro; Pontiroli, Daniele

Li6C60 has been chosen as the most representative system to study the hydrogenation mechanism in alkali-cluster intercalated fullerides. We present here a muon spin relaxation (?SR) experiment that hints the chance to achieve a higher storage capacity on fullerene with respect to the values suggested in literature. Moreover, a linear…
21 October 2019
Simultaneous SAXS-WAXS Experiments on Semi-Crystalline Polymers: Example of PA11 and Its Brill Transition

Tencé-Girault, Sylvie; Lebreton, Sylvie; Bunau, Oana; Dang, Patrick; Bargain, François

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCrystalline fractionCustomer publicationsMaterialPhase analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechniqueTemperatureWAXS

Simultaneous SAXS-WAXS Experiments on Semi-Crystalline Polymers: Example of PA11 and Its Brill Transition

Tencé-Girault, Sylvie; Lebreton, Sylvie; Bunau, Oana; Dang, Patrick; Bargain, François

This manuscript of the special issue “Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymers” aims to show that Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) experiments performed simultaneously constitute a unique tool to obtain valuable information on the hierarchical structure of semi-crystalline polymers. These structural quantitative…
18 July 2019
Formation and evolution of shish-kebab structure during hot stretching in gel-spun ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers with high concentration gel solution

An, Minfang; Lv, You; Xu, Haojun; Li, Yiguo; Wang, Zongbao

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechniqueTensile

Formation and evolution of shish-kebab structure during hot stretching in gel-spun ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers with high concentration gel solution

An, Minfang; Lv, You; Xu, Haojun; Li, Yiguo; Wang, Zongbao

Formation and evolution of shish‐kebab crystals of gel‐spun ultra‐high molecular weight polyethylene fibers from high concentration gel solution during hot‐stretching process were studied by in situ small‐angle X‐ray scattering and wide‐angle X‐ray diffraction measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. We show that the structural evolution process can be…
18 July 2019
Effect of solvent-matrix interactions on structures and mechanical properties of micelle-crosslinked gels

Xu, Dan; Xu, Ting; Gao, Guorong; Xiao, Ying; Wang, Zongbao; Chen, Jing; Zhou, Yang; Wang, Rong; Yin, Jingbo; Fu, Jun

(Hydro)gelsApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechniqueTensile

Effect of solvent-matrix interactions on structures and mechanical properties of micelle-crosslinked gels

Xu, Dan; Xu, Ting; Gao, Guorong; Xiao, Ying; Wang, Zongbao; Chen, Jing; Zhou, Yang; Wang, Rong; Yin, Jingbo; Fu, Jun

Previous studies on hydrogels crosslinked by acrylated PEO99–PPO65–PEO99 triblock copolymer (F127DA) micelles demonstrate outstanding strength and toughness, which is attributed to the efficient energy dissipation through the hydrophobic association in the micelles. The current study further focuses on how the solvent property affects the structures and the mechanical properties of…
18 July 2019