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Isothermal and non-isothermal cold crystallization of tetrabenzofluorene (TBF) molecules

Boopathi, A. A.; Sampath, Srinivasan; Narasimhaswamy, T.

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialPhase analysisPolymer researchTechniqueTemperatureWAXS

Isothermal and non-isothermal cold crystallization of tetrabenzofluorene (TBF) molecules

Boopathi, A. A.; Sampath, Srinivasan; Narasimhaswamy, T.

Design and synthesis of tetrabenzofluorene (TBF) derivatives are carried out to investigate the isothermal and non-isothermal cold crystallization (CC) behavior by various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The unprecedented CC exhibited by TBF molecules is examined by systematic modification of alkyl chain length (C8–C18 even carbons) on both sides of the…
25 November 2019
Core-crystalline nanoribbons of controlled length via diffusion-limited colloid aggregation

Schmarsow, Ruth N.; Ceolín, Marcelo; Zucchi, Ileana A.; Schroeder, Walter F.

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialNanoparticles & colloidsParticlesSAXSSelf-assembled materialShapeSizeTechniqueTemperature

Core-crystalline nanoribbons of controlled length via diffusion-limited colloid aggregation

Schmarsow, Ruth N.; Ceolín, Marcelo; Zucchi, Ileana A.; Schroeder, Walter F.

It has been previously reported that poly(ethylene) (PE)-based block copolymers self-assemble in certain thermosetting matrices to form a dispersion of one-dimensional (1D) nanoribbons. Such materials exhibit exceptional properties that originate from the high aspect ratio of the elongated nano-objects. However, the ability to prepare 1D assemblies with well-controlled dimensions is…
25 November 2019
Hierarchical Sticker and Sticky Chain Dynamics in Self-Healing Butyl Rubber Ionomers

Mordvinkin, Anton; Suckow, Marcus; Böhme, Frank; Colby, Ralph H.; Creton, Costantino; Saalwächter, Kay

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialPolymer researchSAXSShapeSizeTechniqueTemperature

Hierarchical Sticker and Sticky Chain Dynamics in Self-Healing Butyl Rubber Ionomers

Mordvinkin, Anton; Suckow, Marcus; Böhme, Frank; Colby, Ralph H.; Creton, Costantino; Saalwächter, Kay

We present a detailed comparison of the microscopic dynamics and the macroscopic mechanical behavior of novel butyl rubber ionomers with tunable dynamics of sparse sticky imidazole-based sidegroups that form clusters of about 20 units separated by essentially unperturbed chains. This material platform shows promise for application as self-healing elastomers. Size…
25 November 2019
Effect of Irradiation and Detection of Long-Lived Polyenyl Radicals in Highly Crystalline Ultra-High Molar Mass Polyethylene (UHMMPE) Fibers

Forster, Amanda L.; Tsinas, Zois; Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPhase analysisPolymer researchTechniqueWAXS

Effect of Irradiation and Detection of Long-Lived Polyenyl Radicals in Highly Crystalline Ultra-High Molar Mass Polyethylene (UHMMPE) Fibers

Forster, Amanda L.; Tsinas, Zois; Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad

To improve properties such as thermal conductivity, low temperature thermal strain, and creep resistance of ultra-high molar mass polyethylene (UHMMPE) fibers, several researchers have previously undertaken efforts to crosslink these fibers using radiation. Ionizing radiation is commonly used to crosslink bulk UHMMPE in other applications, such as artificial joints. However,…
25 November 2019
3D-Printing of Pure Metal–Organic Framework Monoliths

Lim, Gwendolyn J. H.; Wu, Yue; Shah, Bhuvan B.; Koh, J. Justin; Liu, Connie K.; Zhao, Dan; Cheetham, Anthony K.; Wang, John; Ding, Jun

(Hydro)gelsApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsInorganic materialMaterialNanoparticles & colloidsSAXSSizeTechnique

3D-Printing of Pure Metal–Organic Framework Monoliths

Lim, Gwendolyn J. H.; Wu, Yue; Shah, Bhuvan B.; Koh, J. Justin; Liu, Connie K.; Zhao, Dan; Cheetham, Anthony K.; Wang, John; Ding, Jun

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are usually synthesized in powder form. For many practical applications, MOFs need to be shaped into monoliths that can be easily handled. However, conventional shaping methods, such as pelletization, often result in a decrease in functionality. Recently, MOF-containing monoliths have been made using direct ink writing (DIW;…
25 November 2019
Ion transport, polarization and electro-responsive elelctrorheological effect of self-crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s with different counterions

Liu, Yang; Zhao, Jia; He, Fang; Zheng, Chen; Lei, Qi; Zhao, Xiaopeng; Yin, Jianbo

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialPolymer researchTechniqueWAXS

Ion transport, polarization and electro-responsive elelctrorheological effect of self-crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s with different counterions

Liu, Yang; Zhao, Jia; He, Fang; Zheng, Chen; Lei, Qi; Zhao, Xiaopeng; Yin, Jianbo

Self-crosslinked bis(imidazolium)-based poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) containing different counterions (P, X = BF4−, PF6−, TfO−, TFSI−) are synthesized and the influence of counterions on electro-responsive electrorheological (ER) effect is studied in order to understand the structure-property relationship of crosslinked PIL-based ER system. It is found that the size and type of…
25 November 2019
Construction of Dual Orientation Crystalline Structure in Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Nano-Composite Hydrogels and Reinforcing Mechanism

Meng, Yeqiao; Zhao, Xiaowen; Ye, Lin

(Hydro)gels(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCompositesCrystalline fractionCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPhase analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechnique

Construction of Dual Orientation Crystalline Structure in Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Nano-Composite Hydrogels and Reinforcing Mechanism

Meng, Yeqiao; Zhao, Xiaowen; Ye, Lin

Oriented poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposite hydrogels with different draw ratios were prepared by stretching during a freezing/thawing process. The PVA/GO samples with a draw ratio of 200% had significantly enhanced mechanical properties by formation of a microfibrillar structure, while the tensile strength and compressive modulus respectively reached as…
25 November 2019