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Adjustable self-assembly in polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) dip-coated thin films

Konefa?, Magdalena; Zhigunov, Alexander; Pavlova, Ewa; ?ernoch, Peter; Pop-Georgievski, Ognen; Špírková, Milena

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCustomer publicationsGISAXSMaterialPhase analysisPolymer researchSAXSShapeSizeSurface structure and patternsTechnique

Adjustable self-assembly in polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) dip-coated thin films

Konefa?, Magdalena; Zhigunov, Alexander; Pavlova, Ewa; ?ernoch, Peter; Pop-Georgievski, Ognen; Špírková, Milena

This work studies the influence of dip-coating parameters on self-assembly in ultra-thin films of asymmetric polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) copolymers from a 1-chloropentane solution using a combination of several experimental techniques. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Atomic Force Microscopy, Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Transmission Electron Microscopy…
27 January 2020
Widely tunable persistent micelle templates via homopolymer swelling

Sarkar, Amrita; Thyagarajan, Akshay; Cole, August; Stefik, Morgan

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialPorous materialRenewable energySAXSSelf-assembled materialTechnique

Widely tunable persistent micelle templates via homopolymer swelling

Sarkar, Amrita; Thyagarajan, Akshay; Cole, August; Stefik, Morgan

The combination of precision control with wide tunability remains a challenge for the fabrication of porous nanomaterials suitable for studies of nanostructure–behavior relationships. Polymer micelle templates broadly enable porous materials, however micelle equilibration hampers independent pore and wall size control. Persistent micelle templates (PMT) have emerged as a kinetic controlled…
27 January 2020
Preparation of cellulose nanofibers from Miscanthus x. Giganteus by ammonium persulfate oxidation

Yang, Han; Zhang, Yefei; Kato, Ryo; Rowan, Stuart J.

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsMaterialRenewable energyTechniqueWAXS

Preparation of cellulose nanofibers from Miscanthus x. Giganteus by ammonium persulfate oxidation

Yang, Han; Zhang, Yefei; Kato, Ryo; Rowan, Stuart J.

Carboxylic acid functionalized cellulose nanofibers (MxG-CNFA-CO2H) were successfully isolated from a sustainable grass hybrid Miscanthus x. Giganteus by a new two-step chemical oxidation, that involves bleach treatment and ammonium persulfate oxidation, followed by ultrasonication. The resulting MxG-CNFA-CO2Hs have ca. 1200?mmol/kg carboxylic acid surface groups, an aspect ratio of 230 (height…
27 January 2020
Controlling Processing, Morphology, and Mechanical Performance in Blends of Polylactide and Thermotropic Polyesters

de Kort, Gijs W.; Rastogi, Sanjay; Wilsens, Carolus H. R. M.

ApplicationCharacteristic dimensionCharacterizationCustomer publicationsGIWAXSInorganic materialMaterialRenewable energyTechniqueThin films

Controlling Processing, Morphology, and Mechanical Performance in Blends of Polylactide and Thermotropic Polyesters

de Kort, Gijs W.; Rastogi, Sanjay; Wilsens, Carolus H. R. M.

Thermoplastic composites based on thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) materials are interesting candidates for reinforced composite application due to their promising mechanical performance and potential for recyclability. In combination with a societal push toward the more sustainable use of materials, these properties warrant new interest in this class of composites.…
27 January 2020
Transparent, Lightweight, and High Strength Polyethylene Films by a Scalable Continuous Extrusion and Solid-State Drawing Process

Lin, Yunyin; Tu, Wei; Verpaalen, Rob C. P.; Zhang, Han; Bastiaansen, Cees W. M.; Peijs, Ton

(Natural) polymersApplicationCharacterizationCrystalline fractionCustomer publicationsMaterialOrientation analysisPhase analysisPolymer researchSAXSTechniqueWAXS

Transparent, Lightweight, and High Strength Polyethylene Films by a Scalable Continuous Extrusion and Solid-State Drawing Process

Lin, Yunyin; Tu, Wei; Verpaalen, Rob C. P.; Zhang, Han; Bastiaansen, Cees W. M.; Peijs, Ton

The continuous production of transparent high strength ultra-drawn high-density polyethylene films or tapes is explored using a cast film extrusion and solid-state drawing line. Two methodologies are explored to achieve such high strength transparent polyethylene films; i) the use of suitable additives like 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-ditertpentylphenol (BZT) and ii) solid-state drawing at…
27 January 2020